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Group 2 (2).png

Develop architecture for mining Mars water from a notional reserve and processing that water into propellant ready to use for future systems on the Martian surface. The concept must encompass all stages of ISRU: getting to a notional subsurface ice reserve, acquiring the ice, using it to produce fuel and oxidizer, and liquefying and maintaining those propellants long-term on the surface. Masses, powers, volumes, and costs of the systems must be identified. 

My Role
Surface Operations & Design Lead

Aswath Suryanarayanan
Lucy Zakharova
Shadi Hamdan
Allen Arreola
Kavita Parikh
Julian McWilliams

8 weeks



Lampshade Ideas
The following sketches explore multiple geometries, perspectives, and light source directions. 

After exploring design options, I added the dotSCAD library to OpenSCAD software. This library provides a variety of 2D and 3D shapes, paths, extrusions, and complex mathematical functions.

Design 1

Screen Shot 2022-05-18 at 11.36.18 PM.png

Cost estimation for 3D-printing the first design using versatile black plastic with a natural finish.

Screen Shot 2022-05-19 at 12.18.01 AM.png

I designed 3 lampshades and rendered my top choice - the spiral cube lamp using ash wood material and a point light placed in the center. 

Group 44_edited.png
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