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I printed the generated G-code files using a customized 3D food printer. A variety of material ingredients were used throughout the process. 

The following G-code simulated paths show three prints of square shapes. 
Material: Cream Cheese

Simulated Path 1


Simulated Path 2

Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 9.25.13 PM.png

Simulated Path 3


The following Python script generates a multilayer print.

Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 10.19.02 PM.png

The following images show prints of a pyramid. The material used for the first attempt was heated up for 15 seconds, while the material used for the third attempt was heated up for 5 seconds. Temperature, syringe misalignment, and material consistency are factors that could have contributed to the outcome of these attempts.
Material: Cream Cheese

Attempt 1

pyramid1 (1).jpg

Attempt 2

pyramid2 (1).jpg

Attempt 3

pyramid3 (1)_edited.jpg

The following sample generates a pyramid.

Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 10.49.05 PM.png

The following image shows a print of a multi-material print. There were issues with the consistency of extrusion, which could be caused by temperature and properties of materials.
Material: Cream Cheese & Peanut Butter

Attempt 1


Simulated Path

dual_material_gcode_path (1).PNG

The following image shows a print of a spirograph print. 
Material: Pink Frosting

Attempt 1


Simulated Path

Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 11.08.37 PM.png

Video: Avinash Chaudhary

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